How To Expand Your Business As Quickly As Possible As Cheaply As Possible!
Connected Television is Here! Countless People are getting life-changing results by utilizing it for their business
How To Expand Your Business As Quickly As Possible As Cheaply As Possible!
Connected Television is Here! Countless People are getting life-changing results by utilizing it for their business
Credit Club
If you’re looking for a shorter version of the Credit Club,
we’ve crafted a second option for
you to use for your business.
Instead of 3 channels per month, we’re offering you 1 channel per month which will rise to $199.00 PER MONTH - But you’ve the opportunity to lock in the price of a
monthly channel for only $19.95 per month.
REMEMBER: The Spider’s web is KEY for even more growth!
With Credit Club
These leads me to repeating the following message that you've
just seen
The time for connected television is NOW, there’s no time to wait, we’re approaching the peak of the media evolution advancement.
There’s one key way of advancing your:
Two words… SPIDER’S WEB.
My father from a young boy taught me that developing the “Spider’s Web Effect” is KEY to business potential. The idea is to have one web branching out wide and far to catch as many people as possible to turn into leads & sales.
You (the spider) must have the goal to reach out and catch as many “flies” (customers) as possible. And there’s one key way to do that… Continuous channel creation TO DRIVE TRAFFIC!
Within the training we’ve included in your purchase that we’re gifting to you for being a valued customer, we teach you how to get content FOR FREE! So being able to make television channels on an ongoing basis…
Is SUPER-SIMPLE and MEGA-QUICK to achieve.
You’ve already purchased some credits, but we’re well aware from previous television channel creation tools we’ve created people who excel and want to create MORE and MORE channels.
TV Channels are cool…
But Do You Know What’s Cooler?
TV Network!
Once you achieve your first channel, you’ll see just how easy it actually is and want to
grow your network beyond the credits you’ve just purchased.
People find our system so simple to use… They churn out countless channels to bring in mass traffic, leads and sales!
Word of Warning
You’ll never have this opportunity after this launch special opening.
The price of each credit will cost $199.00/mo - And this is no false scarcity.
We are celebrating our launch of Story Internet, this is
why the price is so, so affordable - Not just to celebrate,
but it’s for those who take action and get in early!
This leads me to the introduction of the Story Internet Credit Club.
1 Channel Credit per month
We’re giving you the option to diversify, reach more people by creating your own Network of TV Channels!
For only $19.95 per month you can grab 1 channel credit PER MONTH for as long as you decide to help you grow!
This means you’re only paying a small amount per month before we increase the price to $199.00 PER CREDIT, PER MONTH. Now is the time to grow your network affordably and quickly to grow your business beyond anyone else.